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OCDD reported self-direction numbers are going up. They described the self-direction advisory group and what their purpose is to help guide OCDD on improvement of the process and rules. They noted the Self-Direction Advisory Group indicated one of the main priorities was updating the Handbook to include expanded information for employers. The advisory group meets every 2nd Wednesday of the month from 2-3 unless otherwise noted. Ed Harris is the NOW waiver and Self-Direction Program Manager. He discussed the progress on updating the handbook and the advisory group priorities of forms being updated, language translation, training and help in navigating the systems. The handbook section revised includes EVV, Hospital Stays, service documentation, Employer, Employee and FA responsibilities.
Ed reminded everyone that you are prohibited from using Waiver services WHEN ADMITTED TO THE HOSPITAL. Your worker CAN assist while in the ER as long as you haven't been admitted and are just in the ER waiting for a bed. If you need assistance while admitted, you need to place a call to your local Human Service District and request urgent Individual and Family Support Funding to pay your worker during the hospital stay. He reminded everyone that we have to contact your Support Coordinator ASAP when you go to the ER. If you are not admitted, you need to submit the discharge instructions to the Support Coordinator to go with the Critical Incident Report. If you are admitted, you need to go to/call the admission office and get a printout that indicates what time you were admitted and discharged so you know when your worker can return to work. These are not OCDD Rules. These are Federal Medicaid Rules. Ed also discussed that some Employers were going to the hospital expecting they would be paid to work for their loved one but that cannot happen.
Progress Notes were discussed. While you will here some confusion in the recording about entering progress notes into the EVV system, the advisory committee and OCDD has already completed that portion of the handbook and it says that you cannot put any progress notes in the EVV system. (This note is from me. ) Progress notes should indicate the progress the beneficiary is making toward goals. The name of the beneficiary should be on the progress notes and the employee should sign the notes. The time of service and activities should be listed also.
The following are answers to questions that were asked:
The employer/Authorized representative under the Fiscal Agent has to complete a new attestation form each CPOC, or with changes to the Employer or changes to the Fiscal Agent;
Monthly background check online must be done, See p. 53 for instructions in current self-direction handbook.
A list of advisory members will be posted.
You do have the option to pay your worker out of pocket when your loved one is admitted to the hospital.
Julie will share the rule from Federal Medicaid regarding no pay for waiver workers while recipient is in the hospital.
Employers must be at the CPOC meeting each year and must attend all meetings, supply the progress notes for SC to review, and give input on changes to goals.
An ipad owned by an employer can be used for EVV if the worker does not have a smart phone.
Progress notes that are checklists alone are not acceptable. Notes must be taken, even if you do use a checklist.
Progress notes must refer back to the goals on the plan of care, otherwise, if audited, it will produce questions about what was done to justify the payment. They noted that several individuals notes were requested to send to federal Medicaid for review and the Legislative Auditor noted that there were not progress notes in cases that they reviewed.
Paper time sheets are not required if u are using EVV; however, times of service should be noted on the progress notes.
If you have been using the EVV notes box for progress notes, go into the system and print them all out now because they will be deleted at some point.
Some are using OAAS's time sheet form, but that's not developed by OCDD.
1 set of notes for each worker is required.
You can use the same form for 2 different people in the household that are on different waivers. Ex. 2 brothers: 1 on NOW and 1 on CCW can use same form.
The night rate increase was approved and will officially start 10/1/24.
The new manual for Self Direction will take about a year to complete.
Sometimes GPS doesn't show accurate address might show a block or 2 away. Answer was that there is some wiggle room in that with SRI and the geo mapping.
Open Enrollment for Medicaid begins October 15, 2024 and ends December 2, 2024 at 6pm
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According to Louisiana Department of Health, Informational Bulletin 24-15. There will be some changes to the Preferred Drug List for Medicaid Recipients. You can find the bulletin at this link to see the changes that will be included: https://ldh.la.gov/assets/docs/BayouHealth/Informational_Bulletins/2024/IB24-15.pdf
"The current PDL indicated a preference of some brand name drugs over generic drugs. The revised PDL will shift both brand and generic versions of these drugs to preferred status. With the implementation of the new PDL, prescribing providers are advised to note “brand name necessary” on any prescription where they want to ensure pharmacies fill their prescriptions with a brand name drug. Absent this notation, individual pharmacists will make the decision on whether to fill the prescription with brand or generic drugs. Pharmacies are advised to begin preparing for the July PDL implementation now with any necessary inventory adjustments. The new PDL will be posted online at the following link when implemented on July 1, 2024: https://ldh.la.gov/assets/HealthyLa/Pharmacy/PDL.pdf. The updated list is posted below. All drugs will transition to brand and generic preferred with the exception of Revatio suspension, as noted in the chart below, which will be non-preferred. Questions related to this bulletin can be referred to Sue Fontenot at Sue.Fontenot@la.gov."
Adult Medicaid Waiver Recipients Have Incontinent Supplies Covered by Medicaid Oct. 1 2023!
Beginning October 1, 2023, adults with Medicaid Waivers will be eligible to receive assistance through their waiver services for incontinent supplies. Contact your Support Coordinator for information on how to access incontinent supply assistance through your waiver.
Full Comprehensive Dental Care Now Available for Medicaid Waiver Recipients
EVERYONE with a Medicaid Waiver is eligible for full dental coverage. Contact your Dental managed care organization for a list of dentists that can serve you near your home!